If you want to show all sensors and only their last reading value on a Power Bi dashboard then you're reading the right page. It is not as trivial as it looks to be. So lets imagine we have a streaming dataset with our IoT sensor data. The data structure is as follows by this example data coming from IoT sensors { "Id": "sensor1", "Val": 11, "DateTime": "2020-05-06 10:11:05.222} { "Id": "sensor2", "Val": 5, "DateTime": "2020-05-06 10:11:05.111} { "Id": "sensor1", "Val": 10.5, "DateTime": "2020-05-06 10:01:05.333} { "Id": "sensor2", "Val": 4.5, "DateTime": "2020-05-06 10:01:06.334} { "Id": "sensor1", "Val": 10, "DateTime": "2020-05-05 10:11:05.122} { "Id": "sensor2", "Val": 4, "DateTime": "2020-05-05 10:1...